This mornin' was havin' breakfast with Dr Tay n Chen n we had an interestin' conversation on Vegas. Ok if ya dun see me back fr Vegas... i probably won too much $$ n retired. =) Anyway took Aunt's car to sch near noon n ya know wat? We lost our way bcos of a wrong turn. I m quite bad with directions after not "touching" vehicles for years... due to some reasons.
After a meetin' with Prof, i took a nap... n i m still feelin' so tired rite now. I'll be stayin' at the apartment in Clementi tonite, too lazy to go home. Our new Prof-to-be Wing will be joinin' me for dinner later, thanks Wing. Today Chris has a gatherin' with ZL n the rest, but i reckon i'll not be goin' since i m kinda tired. Hope yr guys enjoy yrself! =)
Was talkin' to Irene jus now n she might still wanna join me to Tokyo. I believe she's ravin' over Tokyo n yes i pretty like Japan too. Did ZL say i m the Tokyo raider? Hahaa... i dunno i've not watched tat show.
My sprained ankle is much better now, thanks to everyone who sent their rgds. I m thinkin' of goin' for a swim n some tannin' this weekend. N of cos not to forget abt my weekly workout n run. Stay healthy everyone! =)
CY sent me a msg abt the airfare sales... immediately i searched for fares to Australia... wow yes so cheap. =) Should i go Aust for a weekend? I've not been to Darwin, Artemis is there. Or Perth again but definitely not Sydney rite now.