Do you believe in fairytale romance? Did you ever leave your glass slippers somewhere and prayin' for the proverbial prince charming to seek you out and try if the shoe would fit? Love has long been glorified with so much grandeur in tales and movies, which made us view love as magical. This often fails to live up to its hype.
Yes some of us have been spendin' most of our life tryin' to search for the perfect one, and we ourselves do not really know what we are actually lookin' for in term of perfection. Perfection is a quality that mortals are deprived of. Imperfection is in fact the very essence of our humanity, it's the reason we strive and make ourselves better persons. Nobody is perfect and that's the reason why i always tell my friends not to feel inferior to people that are better at things than they are.
Ok even if you find the person most compatible to your personality, some situations would call for some conflict, one way or another. It's because no two persons are ever alike, and with differences come misunderstandings. The trick is in how we work out these differences to strengthen our relationships.
Some people choose to believe in destiny and simply wait for the one whom fate has planned for them. This phase sounds cool "Don't look for love, let love find you". It promotes non-action and idleness. But I don't believe in predestination which renders the concept of free will as moot. Please… you need a positive act and whole lot of adjustments to find the right partner, you don't wait for destiny. Rather, you forge your own tale. From today onwards, get to know the "someone" better, fight for it and tell the "someone" you like him/her if you are sure… stop sittin' there n wait for miracle to happen...