I do believe in luck, however in this day and age, i believe we can create our own luck. I heard people sayin' phrases like "ya lucky thing", "wow lucky man", but they are merely expressions of half-hearted self-centred joyfulness.
I remember some time back at the pool i heard a gal tellin' her friend she lost one of her earrings. They were searchin' around for it and i found it in the pool. I surreptitiously threw it near their bags at the suntannin' bench without them noticin'. And when she found it near her bag she was sayin' this "Wow it's here, lucky MAN!" Weeks back when i told my cousin he won tickets to wildwildwet, he shouted "Hooray... i'm so lucky!!" On my mind i was thinkin' "I bought the tickets, silly!" I set up a date by convincin' a female friend (with conditions) to date my male friend out for dinner, as he likes her so much (not to mention their names). He didn't know about wat i did, and was smirking and claimin' tat he was lucky and he was a real champion. :)
I started to believe in luck when i won EVERY roulette game at the Star city casino Sydney one evenin'. My sista was bewildered too and asked me to stop after winnin' quite abit. I believe in luck (negative one) when i consecutively lost my mobile phone and violin, followed by laptop and external harddisk down, then eye injury, etc. in just a short week. The only sure thing about luck is tat it'll change. Ya never know when and the only thing ya could do is to try creatin' yr own luck!