Monday, July 07, 2008

some online jokes

I was tryin' to find some online jokes to cheer Cat up by smses, tat was the least i cld do. Know she's angry with me, but as long as she's feelin' better it doesn't matter. Other than tat, i'd also wanna share some jokes on my blog to anyone here.

Online jokes:
1) Marriage is not a word, it's a life sentence.
2) Marriage is a 2-ring circus, weddin' ring n sufferin'.
3) When a man talks dirty to a woman, it's sexual harassment. But when a woman talks dirty to a man, it's $4 per minute.
4) Women r like parkin' spaces becos the gd ones r always taken n the rest r all disabled!
5) Ever wonder why some ppl wld spend $2 on those little bottle of Evian water? Try spellin' Evian backwards. NAIVE.
6) If barbie is so popular, why do u have to buy her friends?

I m so sick today after bein' in the hot sun for hrs yesterday. My flu n sore throat r back, with the bonus of cough n losin' of voice.
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