Met up wif Xian, Shereen, Andy, Shyang, Jiahui, Sharon, Vincent, Alvin..etc.. they all in the afternoon. Had a gd chat n dinner with them all.

Today i m feelin' this resentment or jealous somehow, somewhere....sigh!! I feel such a loser...i feel so useless...
Chatted wif my gd friend Jasmine online, our msn conversation:
ĴįmMΫ™ says:
Can I ask ya a que?
Callisto says:
ĴįmMΫ™ says:
how wld a guy knows if this gal likes him or not?
Callisto says:
very obvious ma
ĴįmMΫ™ says:
ĴįmMΫ™ says:
e.g. she talked to a guy more than me? Or maybe she likes tat guy..not sure
Callisto says:
have to look at other things
ĴįmMΫ™ says:
like wat?
ĴįmMΫ™ says:
she occasionally talks to me
Callisto says:
wat abt msn?
ĴįmMΫ™ says:
once in a blue moon
Callisto says:
hmm then not so
Callisto says:
if a gal likes u she would keep talking to u on msn
ĴįmMΫ™ says: