Was joggin' with Bryan after work, followed by dinner with him. Abt 9pm mum asked me to accompany her and Uncle to supermarket to buy some fishes and prawns for supper. And we bought like 8 fishes with 3-4 diff types, and some prawns. I felt like we were havin' a fish/seafood buffet, few of us finishin' all those.
Fishes at the supermarket... i dunno their names =)

The comin' weekend mum asked me to help her settle smthing oversea, so may have to leave Singapore for a while. I may have to apply work leave for Monday in case i can't make it back on Sunday. Hmmm.... not sure how it goes, too tired to think abt it now. So guys if ya have anythin' please email me or msg me here as i may not wanna bring my mobile phone with me for some reasons. Thank u very much!