Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Short course: Intro to Medical Image Processing

A short course organized by Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence Association. Anyone interested please register online. Registration will close on 30 June 2009. However, due to space limitation, the registration may close before the deadline if the class limit is reached. Please register early to avoid disappointment.

Topic: Introduction to Medical Image Processing
Speakers: Prof Emanuele Trucco, Dr. Tchoyoson Lim, Dr. Pang Boon Chuan.
Date: 6-7 July 2009 (Mon & Tue)
Time: 9am to 5pm
Venue: Seminar Rm 4, Level 6, Blk S15, School of Computing, Lower Kent Ridge Road, next to LT 27, near NUH.
Registration fees:
Members of PREMIA: S$380
Non-members: S$460
Student members of PREMIA: S$150
Student non-members: S$190

Please register online via

This two-day short course aims to provide a basic understanding of medical imaging and to explain what medical images can offer to medical practitioners and researchers. This is done by introducing some of the basic concepts of image processing and pattern recognition in medical contexts. Two modalities of medical images will be used as case studies, namely, MRI/CT brain images and ophthalmological images. Various medical imaging projects will be described and there will be a session for participants to share and relate to their own problems in medical imaging. The main speaker, Prof. Emanuele Trucco, has many years of experience in medical imaging. In addition, two medical doctors, Dr Tchoyoson Lim and Dr. Pang Boon Chuan will be invited to deliver talks from medical practitioners’ perspectives.
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