Went sch early mornin', met up with Cong Thanh at 1 to continue on our implementation n journal writin'. Finished ard 6.30pm, didn't haf time 2 go gym today. Wing left yesterday... it was pretty tiresome in the lab now. We haf this bazaar thing here ard Pasir ris interchange... kinda interesting. May haf a closer look some time later. The street's singer sang really well n i was kinda blown away... i reckon i saw him b4 at Simei... tremendous voice! Finally i got myself a mic n i was talkin' to Ade in the evenin'. Really miss talkin' 2 her n glad 2 hear tat she's doin' well in Osaka Japan. Supposed 2 meet up Selina tomorrow but i cancelled it... need 2 do some work. Sorry Selina... meet ya some other day. :)
I touched down in Singapore in Jan 2006. Although I could feel myself sweltering at the airport, I love this place. This is where I was born. I set up this blog to share my life & pictures with my awesome friends around the world, & also to myself in case I've this deterioration of intellectual faculties such as memory & judgement one day.
1. An Jing 安静 2. Because of you 3. Everything I do (I do it for you) 4. Forever love 5. Fur Elise 6. Heaven knows 7. Hei Se You Mo 黑色幽默 8. Hero 9. Kiss goodbye 10. Kiss the rain 11. Marriage D'Amour 12. Memory 13. Menuet 14. Moonlight Sonata 15. My memory (Winter Sonata) 冬季戀歌 16. My Sassy girl (Lost memory) 17. Ni Yao De Ai 你要的爱 18. Right here waiting 19. Wei Yi 唯一 20. You're beautiful ......more (Email me for any file. I may/may not reply. Reasons: I don't have it, or I've edited the song (copyright issues), or I've no softcopy, or I'm too lazy/busy to find it in my messy folders, pardon me.)