We got ourselves a place in the final which was held today. Yes we got a medal each but didn't get into the top 3 (Gold, silver n bronze). Most of us were rather jolly anyway. :) I was kinda disappointed somehow and i knew the winnin' of this race could inspire me to continue joinin' dragonboat in the comin' future.
Waikeung and i before the race in the pic below, i luv this pic... we had full of confidence in our integrity... maybe to get into the top 3, however we were kinda slower than yesterday... and so we got into the 5th position ...sigh!! Anyway it was jus a game... and maybe dragonboat is not my game and i am not gd enough either... cheers :)
Our lovely team...
Our little consolation medals...
Our team (excludin' me) won one of the categories, got the champion... although i wasn't in the race but i was really really... happy too. Anthony wif the trophy... smirking all the way home... :)
The pic below, most left: Garry, and most right: Malcolm. I like the satisfactory smile of Malcolm... its hilarious isn't it?? :P He's a funny guy.